"Skinny is Best is a blog about the Chemical Diet, which is a one week diet where you can lose up to one stone. Weight loss food plans are shared." The Chemical Diet Where You Can Lose a Stone in One Week - My Result Skip to main content

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The Chemical Diet Where You Can Lose a Stone in One Week - My Result

I wrote about the Chemical Diet Plan and how I was going to try it (you can find the article here). Here is my result.

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 I did the Chemical Diet Plan and I lost 10 pounds in a week.  You can lose up to one stone if you stick to the Chemical Diet 7 day menu food plan (which I have listed here).  

Read on to learn more...

I found the Chemical Diet Plan difficult for the first three days, but then it got easier on my fourth day. The Chemical Diet Plan can be done quite easily if you put your mind to it and you are serious about losing weight.

How Does The Chemical Diet Work?

On this diet, you are not allowed to have milk in your tea and coffee, but now I drink Green tea in the mornings instead of having one teaspoon of skimmed milk in my first cup of tea, which I had started off doing, but now I have discovered that Green tea is much better for you and it helps fire up your metabolism. I also drink black coffee and water throughout the day. If I had left out the milk in my cup of tea previously, I would have lost a stone.

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On my last day, I ate some grapes in between meals, which isn't allowed except on days where you eat fruit, but I still lost weight.  

So, if anyone does do this diet and you really need to lose a stone, then you must be strict with yourself and stick to the Chemical Diet 7-day menu. It's no joke! You can lose a stone by just sticking to the exact food plan. Do not substitute food and think you will still lose weight because it will not work.

Using the Chemical Diet 7 day menu is worthwhile if you really need to lose weight quickly, but you must try to continue eating healthily afterward to stop you from putting the pounds back on.

How did I feel about the Chemical diet?

I won't lie, I felt horrible in the beginning. I found the Chemical Diet difficult for the first three days, but then it got easier on my fourth day. I had a headache on the third day but that's because all the crap that's been in my body for weeks was finally leaving. On the fourth day, I felt better. On the fifth day, I felt incredible. I was ready to go on and I wanted to go out for walks because I felt energized. By the seventh day, I knew I had lost weight even though I hadn't weighed myself. I felt lighter and fit. I didn't want to stop the diet, so I added to it by just eating more healthy foods and snacks along with the food on the Chemical Diet. Doing this helped me keep on top of my weight and because I am Diabetic it had reduced my blood glucose levels. I had finally got rid of the sugar and bad toxins from my body!

Carrying on with the Chemical diet every three weeks

I decided to do the Chemical Diet every three weeks and in between, I added snacks and healthier foods to keep me going. It worked. It really helped me. I didn't eat too much fruit but just enough to be healthy. I lost 2.5 stone!

Do you need to do exercise?

You don't need to do any exercise at all during the first time on the Chemical Diet. The first week I tried the diet, I didn't exercise at all. It wasn't until I tried the diet again that I decided to do some exercise. To be honest, I just went for walks 3 or 4 times per week and that's all you will need to do at first but everyone is different. You do what you can to get by with the food, first of all, then exercise comes later. So do not worry about exercise at first. But generally, this diet is for someone who needs to lose weight quickly. I mean, if you are having surgery and need to lose some fat then this the ideal way to do it especially if you are really overweight. Exercise does not come into it in this case. 

So, if anyone wants to try the Chemical Diet because you really need to lose a stone, then you must be strict with yourself and stick to the Chemical Diet 7-day menu. It's no joke! You can lose one stone by just sticking to the exact food plan. Do not substitute food and think you will still lose weight because it will not work. Of course, not everyone will be able to stick with this diet. It's a tough one to do.

Using the Chemical Diet 7 day menu is worthwhile but I must stress that you must try to continue eating healthily after that first week which will stop you from putting the pounds back on. If you go back to eating a high-fat sugary diet and eat takeaways you will just pile all those pounds you lost back on!

If you do try the diet, then please comment below to let me know how much weight you have lost.

Check out my the Chemical Diet 7 day menu here.

Watch a trailer about the Skinny is Best ebook below:


  1. The best diet for losing weight is Lifestyle Beats Diet, according to the experts who rated the diets below for U.S. News. HMR Diet, Biggest Loser and Jenny Craig came in close behind. Other diets performed as well or better in enabling fast weight loss, but long-term weight loss is more important for your health.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I will look into this diet.

  2. I have tried that Garcina product and the only weight loss I saw was in my wallet. I should have realized that if it seems too easy, then it can't be real. :(

  3. I have only been on the diet two days and have lost 8lbs already!

  4. I have lost 10 pounds in a week and I am very happy. I forgot to eat an egg one day and grapefruit on two days and I did season the food with a little salt but still very happy with the results. I will be sticking to this now. Good luck to anyone who trys it but remember if you are on high blood pressure tablets you cannot eat grapefruit x

  5. HI yes i did this deit rather the chemical regieme diet for 45 days lost 16 kilos and i need to just another 6 kilos and will try this one

  6. I did this diet before a few years ago for 5 days and lost 9lb.
    Started again 2 days ago.... Finding it harder this time an I also started on day 7 then day 1 tomorrow not sure?? Really hungry :(

  7. I did this diet a few years ago, got to day 5 an lost 9lb.
    Started it again 2 days ago, started on day 7 then did day 1, tomorrow??? Hungry!!!

  8. I've done this diet several times and having done for a full wk I found most of the weight loss occurs on the first three days so now I frequently do this diet but only for the three days and have consistently lost roughly 5-8 per week on it. Sometimes when you've done it for a wk and go back to regular eating then it's a shock to system again and some of the weight lost goes back on quiet easy but by doing it for three days I also found this stopped any weight going back on .my advice, do it for three days every week,it's a good balance between dieting and healthy eating in the same week.

  9. I'm on my 6th day on this diet, and have found it really good. I have been fine with the Americans int of foods which I thought mayb I will find difficult but I actually found it fine, the only time I was really hungry was on day 4. I will weigh myself at the end of the 7 days and write back here to let everyone know!

    But overall it's not been a bad experience and the hunger pangs seem to be at bay, plus I have been exercising every morning after breakfast and I certainly hope I have lost a few pounds!

    1. I am happy to hear this... I look forward to hearing how much weight you have lost. Thanks for the comment.

  10. I am on day 5 of this diet and have stuck to it....so can't wait for my weigh day :)

    1. Look forward to hearing how much you have lost.

  11. I am on the last day of this diet. And I've found it really tough. I started at 10st.3lb and this morning weighed 9st.10lb. I still have another 7lb to lose, but am hoping that this has been a good kick start to eating better.

    1. Well done for trying it and thanks for your comment.

  12. hi Denise just letting you know I lost 11 lb when I did this 3 weeks ago I found it on another site .. I did ok I think but id like to ask .. one thing I cannot eat is lamb .. so I left it out and was hungry that day I drank water can I replace or should I just leave out .. this is me starting today my new week as that's three weeks ago I finished .
    what I have been doing in between is no sugar fruit for breakfast .. salad or eggs for lunch and fish or meat and greens at tea time I am now 1and a half stone lighter in a month 1 was 17 stone and am now 15.and a half .. I drank 4 cans of pepsi a day and ate rubbish I swim half a mile 3 times a week that's all I do .. feel good and alive xxx thanks for sharing xxx

    1. Wow... that is amazing to hear. If you don't like lamb just leave it out or you can do the same day twice (for instance do Tuesday twice), as long as you eat what is on the menu for that day you still lose weight. Thank you for your comment too. It's nice to hear things like this...

  13. Where does it say you can't have grapes?? I'm on day 3 and my fruit salads have included them ��

    1. You should eat grapes where it says eat fruit on the meal plan above. You shouldn't put them in salad as it may stop your weight loss.

  14. HI Denise

    I started the diet on Monday and have just seen your comment about what the salad can contain. I went rather overboard last night and included: lettuce, toms, cucumber, celery, spring onion, radish, beetroot, raw mushrooms and some beans/pulses. Oh dear! I think this may affect my overall weight loss?

    1. Hopefully it will not ruin too much weight loss for you. Just get back on track and stick to the food plan as it is above.

  15. Yes you're correct that is a total scam.. so daphne . ..go and peddle your scam elsewhere . This site is to help people not rip them off

  16. Yes you're correct that is a total scam.. so daphne . ..go and peddle your scam elsewhere . This site is to help people not rip them off

  17. Hi Denise Thanks for that. I also meant to ask - I can't stomach black tea or coffee, but need to have hot drinks during the day. I've started on fruit teas - are these acceptable? :)

    1. Any herbal teas should be ok. I always drink Oolong tea which works well with this diet.

    2. Read my article on Oolong tea here http://weightlossanddietlifeblog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/drinking-oolong-tea-can-promote-weight.html

    3. Thanks Denise

      Have just finished my week on the diet and 'only' lost 6lbs. I shouldn't be too disappointed as it's a cracking weight loss in a week. Next time I do it, I will stick to just lettuce, cucumber, toms and celery for the salad part. Not sure what went wrong as apart from this I stuck to it rigidly. Would drinking carbonated water have made a difference?

    4. Yes you must only stick to tomatoes, cucumber, celery and lettuce when eating salad. If you added something more to the diet then this could be the reason why you have only lost 6lbs. It states on the Chemical Diet's article (see link above) you are allowed to drink black coffee, tea without milk (including herbal tea), water and tonic or soda waters, but I would just drink ordinary water just in case. Hope this helps.

  18. Hi just found your post, I started this diet on Saturday at 11st 12lb. I have eaten a few things i shouldnt like spring onions in my salad and I have also been putting milk in my first coffee. I will weigh myself on Friday and see how I did.

  19. Hi

    I have started this diet today, are we able to put salt and pepper on the food? also can I season the chicken?


    1. Hi Lucy, salt is not allowed, but pepper is okay to use. You can season the chicken too. Good luck.

  20. Hi if i dnt like eggs can i still do this diet but go without or will the effects not be as good?

    1. This diet is supposed to be used with eggs, but if you don't like them then just leave them out and give the diet a go. I am not sure if the Chemical Diet will work without them, but you can try it out without eggs and see what happens. Let me know how you get on. Thanks for your comment.

  21. Hi Denise I'm starting the diet today. Is sparkling water ok? I find it more filling than still. I would imagine fine but wondered if you knew? Many thanks Nicole

    1. Sparkling water should be fine. Good luck.

  22. Hi Denise, I'm on my first day and so far so good! I struggle to eat eggs hard boiled, if I scramble the egg without adding anything to it (i.e milk) will this affect the results?


  23. Hi Denise, it's my first day on the diet and going good so far! Not as hungry as I thought I would be although I am struggling eating hard boiled eggs, am I able to scramble the eggs without adding anything else to it? Will it affect the results of the diet?


    1. You can have scrambled eggs but you can't use oil in the pan, because that will ruin your chances of losing weight. Why not microwave the eggs. I've done this lots of times and it works. Just don't add anything to the eggs. Good luck.

  24. Hi as I take statins grapefruit is not allowed as it affects with statins,instead can I have oranges please

    1. Hi thanks for your comment. I am on statins too. I ate grapefruit sometimes, but I didn't have it all the time as it's listed above and I was okay (I did not replace it with oranges). If you don't want to have it, then try having oranges, but generally oranges are not allowed for this particular diet, and it does state that you should not replace any of the food listed above. I hope this helps. Please let us know if you lose weight doing the Chemical Diet by replacing the grapefruit with oranges.

  25. Hi just wondering if you can drink as much grapefruit juice as you like or is it limited. Thanks

    1. You can only have grapefruit juice where it states it on the food plan above... that grapefruit is allowed. If you prefer grapefruit juice to actually eating a grapefruit, then just do that instead and replace it with juice. You cannot have grapefruit juice all the time and whenever you want as it may reduce your weight loss goals, but it's up to you if you want to try it and see what happens.

  26. Hi have just started on day 4 of this diet, have already lost 6lb in the first 3 days which is a fab kick start to my weight loss. First few days are the hardest starting day 4 and all ready feel better within myself and no longer craving other foods. Will keep you posted on how much I loose on day 7

    1. That's great news. Glad it's going well for you. Keep us informed.

  27. What do you dress your salad with? Anything?

    1. Just use vinegar,pepper and herbs. Nothing else see my comment below.

    2. Okay, thanks. That helps!

  28. You can only use vinegar, herbs and pepper. You cannot use any kind of salad dressing whilst on the Chemical Diet because it will stop your chances of losing weight. Hope this helps.

  29. Hi. So I will be strating this diet tommorow. But I was just wondering if sugar free chewing gum is allowed. I'm used to always chewing gum. So yeah thanks.

  30. Hi. So I will be strating this diet tommorow. But I was just wondering if sugar free chewing gum is allowed. I'm used to always chewing gum. So yeah thanks.

    1. This is something I am not sure about, but try it and see what happens. If you see that you are not losing weight, then stop having gum. To be honest, I think it will ruin your chances of losing weight if you chew a lot of gum throughout the day, even if it is sugar free, but I have not tried this out myself so I can't say for sure. Good luck and please let us know how you get on.

  31. Back again on this diet after a while..On day three now! yaay! i messed up a little last night and ahd two eggs instead of lamb..hopefully it will not mess up too much =/ .. just one question. You mention you can repeat days.. would you say there is a limit to how many times a week you do this.. I ask because i really cannot stomach red meat! I'm just worried because then I'd be eating a lot of fruits as the days i'd have to repeat all have fruit for lunch.. thanks so much for all the help and replies and good luck to all!!

    1. Yes you can repeat the same days however you want. Glad the diet has gone well for you.

  32. wow after week on this died I have lost stone !..as I hate the mess with grapefruits ..peeling slicing ect I bought bottles of pink grapefruit juice ..100% grapefruit ..and drunk it freely throughout the day ..eggs I whisked 2 eggs then put in microwave for 2 mins ..i'll never use milk in scrambled eggs again !!..can't wait to do again .

    1. Good to hear you have lost weight on the Chemical Diet. Could you tell us which bottle of grapefruit juice you bought? Thanks for your comment.

  33. So glad to find people currently doing this diet! I found it on another site, but have had many questions...
    What does a salad entail? The first day u did just greens and eggs with vinegar, not bsd, but boring. Is there some hard and fast guideline about adding more veggies to the salad? And how much grilled steak or chicken or fish for dinner? Seems like amounts should matter. Is there somewhere I can read more about the science behind this diet?

    I'm on day 5- down 6.5 pounds so far. Im doing a diet bet and need to drop 4.5 more in 5 days! Hope it all shakes out!

    1. Thanks for your comment and questions. A salad entail cucumber, celery, tomatoes and lettuce. You can read more about the diet here: http://weightlossanddietlifeblog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/the-7-day-chemical-diet-where-you-lose.html You must only eat what is on the menu, which can be found at the link given. Good to hear that you have done so well on the Chemical Diet so far.

  34. Hi there, I'm on day 6 of this diet & have lost 12lbs so delighted with results..just a question can I squeeze lemon juice on salad?

    1. Well done... yes lemon juice can be used. Thank you for your comment.

  35. Hello I think i will start this from Monday.

    Can i do this diet for longer? I have 2 stones to lose to feel more comfortable, so i would like to do this for 14days straight? Is that possible and are there any negative side effects?

    Also, can i exercise? Or will this make me put on weight?

    Thanks in advance x

    1. The Chemical Diet is not recommended to do for 14 days straight. It's best just to do 7 days and then have a break and start again. Of course, it's up to you. Not sure doing it for 14 days straight will help you lose 2 stone though. If you do try it let us know the outcome. Good luck!

    2. Thank you so much. Can i exercise?

  36. Hi denise, Im starting this tomorrow what is the best type of fruit to eat for this diet?

    1. The best fruit is either apples, pears, tangerines/satsumas, oranges and bananas but only have one banana in a day and do not eat grapes.

    2. Hi Denise. I have been following this blog right from the start and I think you mentioned somewhere that one can have grapes where it says fruit. Is this any different now? I am on day 2 and was going to add grapes to my fruit for lunch. Is one allowed avocado with the fruit?

    3. I did have a handful of black grapes once with other fruit and I still lost weight at the end of the week. Just don't eat too many of them or if you can do without them then the weight loss will be significant. To be honest, I am not sure, but try having it and see it what happens. Fruit can consist of bananas, oranges, satsumas, apples, pears, a small handful of grapes (7 black grapes at the most) and strawberries (again only have 4 strawberries). Good luck.

  37. Can I have avocado on fruit day?

    1. Only have a small amount, but usually my fruit consists of bananas, oranges, satsumas, apples, pears, a small handful of black grapes (7 grapes) and strawberries (no more than 4). Good luck.

  38. How do you think I could do this while doing night shift I don't work set nights eg mon wed fri any help would be appreciated

    1. Just eat what's on the menu whenever you can.

  39. Hi all I'm currently on day 6 and so far I've lost 6lb(I've been tracking my weightloss daily but today showed the same weight as yesterday. I came on my period yesterday (tmi sorry) and I'm feeling really bloated. I'm hoping this doesn't spoil my weightloss. I've stuck to plan religiously and drank tons of water. Any advice ? X

    1. Just keep going... unfortunately being on a period can sometimes halt your weight loss but stick to the diet anyway as it may get better.

  40. Have done this once before and trying again on day two for lunch it says toast chicken tims how much toast can I have


    1. its only 1 slice of toast not as many as you like

  41. As much as you like in that one meal however much you can eat at that time.

  42. We all know the benefits of Green Tea as it is now a very common drink for everyone but like green tea, black tea also provides also provides a lot of health benefits and moreover is a good drink to burn your calories. Though Green Tea is also known for weight lose but recent researches have proved that black tea can also help you get slim waistline. Tea whether it is black, green or white, they provide you with various health benefits and takes you away from various serious health problems. An important fact that you should know about black tea is that if you drink black tea in your breakfast, it will help you burn more calories as compared to its intake at another hour of the day. Green Tea and Black Tea provides almost common benefits but the above fact is one of the unique benefits of Black Tea that is of dropping extra pounds quickly.
    To More Information Visit here:http://healthcarestudios.com/lose-your-weight-with-black-tea/

  43. This particular article will hope to provide a few better results weight losstips on fiber in the diet, and how to change your eating habits.

  44. Hi Sachin here , I liked your content ..but to be fair I am a food lover so sometimes its hard for me to follow it, but yes I do take a walk every day for 45 mins that help burn some calories...and recently I got one pdf that had some decent weight loss time table so would like to share if you agree...here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjupQoauHK8&t

  45. I would say be careful of any fruit juice based drinks. Fruits do have sugar content so you need to be cautious. It always better to think of weight loss like a lifestyle but there are quick fixes. Here's a quick fix I used to drop some 7 lbs in 2 weeks.>>


  46. Hello people. Really nice article about weight loss diets. I Think everyone can find what is the best for him. Actuall any diet can help people. The question is Do people follow all the steps the diet consist. Actually i want to share with you how i did it in 2017 and still losing weight fast.

    One day my body, weight and scale were drastically changing. I was so frustrated, I blamed my weight gain on thyroid or even hormones. I was determined to figure out why I was gaining weight when I ate right, and trained. Nothing was helping anymore. I went to my doctor and requested a full blood pane. After my results doctor told me I was as healthy as can be and no hormones acting up. I was even more determined now to figure out what is going on with my body. So, I researched and researched for a long time.

    One day I came across one video post. As soon as I read and study that it will help reset your body and help function properly again. It clicked and I knew I had to try it. So I did. It was Exactly what was needed for my body. I finally started to drop weight. My body was reset! After I completed the 21 days I reached my goal that my body was back to a fat burning machine. I helped me in so many ways! I read everyone’s review, and some say it doesn’t work. I beg to differ! For Any skeptics out there–> IT WORKS!! It works for more than one benefit as well. I’m so happy I stumbled across the site.

    Thank to diet for sharing your experience, knowledge, exposing science and secret! Wish everyone lose weight as soon as I did it!

    For more information i leave a link to my weight saver - weightlossdietsystem.com

  47. I was pinning away for such type of blogs, thanks for posting this for us. 2 week diet plan

  48. This is a great inspiring article.I am pretty much pleased with your good work.You put really very helpful information. Projeto Fit 60 Dias

  49. Discover 101 Ways To Lose That Belly Fat Without Yo-yo Dieting So You Can Be On Your Way To A Flat Belly Starting Today!


  50. Hi! Can someone please help me. What bread should I be eating on this diet? Can I use rye bread? Thank you

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